Your unique memories deserve to be remembered.

Sign up for simple and budget-friendly tips to help you organize and preserve your family archives, photographs and heirlooms—sent straight to your inbox weekly.

Hey there! I’m Abbey.

I’m an archivist, coffee lover, fur mom, and eternal optimist with a passion for teaching real people (just like you!) the steps to preserve their invaluable family memories for years to come.

& I can be YOUR archivist too.

Learn simple and effective steps to organize, preserve and share your invaluable memories

  • Preservation Academy: Family Photos Edition

    Ready to stop stressing and start preserving your family photos?

    My brand new course is coming soon!

    Click the button below to join the waitlist now. You’ll get an exclusive sneak peek of 5 quick and easy preservation tips from the course that you can start implementing today!

    You’ll get a total of 5 daily emails to start preserving your family photos + my FREE “Setting the Stage” Preservation Checklist.

  • Four Polaroid photographs with a pen

    Describing Your Family Memories Guide + Bonus Template

    Photos, just like your other memories, capture a unique moment from your family history, and they also capture an emotion, a story, a memory. If these memories are not captured and described, they can be lost forever.

    When described, these family moments/stories live on and allow us to create beautiful experiences and long-lasting memories for our loved ones and for the next generations.

    But, in order to preserve these memories, we have to first describe them.

  • Personal Preservation Experience

    Do you have a preservation project in mind, but don’t know where to begin or what to buy?

    Think of me as your own personal shopper…for your memories!

    We’ll jump on a call so you can tell me about your project—whether it’s preserving your family photos, recipe cards, kid’s drawings, or wedding dress (just to name a few!)

    Then I’ll get to work creating your own personalized shopping list for supplies to buy to preserve your memories.

Stop letting fear and overwhelm get in your way - start preserving your memories today.

I’ll be with you every step of the way.